Friday, August 3, 2007

Steve Allen - To live is Christ

This is a message I gave at Northlake on Philippians 1.21. It was part two of three on Philippians 1:21-24. Because to die is gain, it frees us to live Christ.

Here is the link! (it is at the bottom!)


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ivan Malyon - The Theme of all the Ages

You have to listen to this, if just for the awesome scottish accent. Passionate and biblical, he gives a new years message by preaching Christ and Christ alone!!! I loved it!

I have no picture or info, but I found his sermon on Monergism. The link below gives five different sermons by him!!! Check it out!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tim Keller - Christ, Our life

This is typical Keller bringing it home! He takes his gospel approach and really illustrates it well especially with a story of young, abused woman who describes idolatry as good as it can be. A great add to this week on Christ Alone!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mark Driscoll - The Cross of Christ

Mark preached this at the Northland Church in Florida. It is a powerful exposition of all that solo christo is and is meant to be. It is passionate and theological and practical.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Michael Ross - Solus Christus

The fourth of a five week series on the Solas!!!! This is much like the others, a solid, thorough exposition of why it is Christ alone that we are saved.

Here is the link!