Called and Beloved, Part II
Dr. Piper looks at two words in the initial greeting. Called which was part I and Beloved which is Part II. He speaks of this word beloved as not just a general love like God has for the evil and the righteous, or a love for the world that he sent his son, but a called love, a specifically chosen love, like a man has for a wife. God chose us to love us in a special covenantal relationship. And I love this quote, “I argued that this means Christians are called by God to belong to Jesus Christ (Romans 8:30; 1 Corinthians 1:9); and that this call of God is not just an invitation, but is the kind of call that creates what it commands.”
It is the kind of call that creates what it commands. That is grace. He calls and in his love sustains us and changes us and transforms us.
I was moved by this quote:
“ to put it simply and bluntly: the love of God keeps us from being separated from the love of Christ. Will “the called of Jesus Christ” be separated from him? No! Why? Because God loves us! The covenant love of God triumphs in preserving his own…In other words, the special, covenant love of God for us will triumph over everything that tries to destroy our faith and pull us away from God.”
What an amazing thought. God’s love not only woos us, not only transforms us, but keeps us from being separated from him.
We are His beloved.
I like how he ends it.
“This is what Paul means in Romans 1:7 when he says, “to all who are beloved of God in Rome.” And it is what God means when he says to you Christians today: You are the called of Jesus Christ; you are my loved ones. I have chosen you for my own; I have called you; I have justified you; I will keep you; I will work in you what is pleasing in my sight (Hebrews 13:21); nothing will separate you from me; because I love you with an everlasting love. You are my beloved.”
Steve Allen