Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A.W. Tozer - What difference does the Holy Spirit make?

A 20th-century prophet" they called him even in his lifetime. For 31 years he was pastor of Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, where his reputation as a man of God was citywide. Concurrently he became editor of Alliance Life, a responsibility he fulfilled until his death in 1963. His greatest legacy to the Christian world has been his 30 books. Because A.W. Tozer lived in the presence of God he saw clearly and he spoke as a prophet to the church. He sought for God's honor with the zeal of Elijah and mourned with Jeremiah at the apostasy of God's people. But he was not a prophet of despair. His writings are messages of concern. They expose the weaknesses of the church and denounce compromise. They warn and exhort. But they are messages of hope as well, for God is always there, ever faithful to restore and to fulfill His Word to those who hear and obey.

I went through a book with a discipleship group one time with his book "The Knowledge of the Holy." It changed my life. It was the first time where I began to understand the attributes of God and how that would affect my life. Every time I pray, every time I consider God, every time I preach, I really think that what I think and pray and do all come back to what was started by this book.

I found a bunch of classic sermons by this godly man and it was great. I am focusing this week on the Holy Spirit, so this sermon is very appropriate.

Click here to find the link!


Anonymous said...

Only two types of people don't listen to Tozer: Those who can't stand the truth, and those who can stand it but can't face it!

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