Friday, April 20, 2007

Welcome to a new blog...

A sermon a day is a blog designed to give you sermons... One sermon, every day, picked out, explained, labeled and available to download. These sermons are found free of charge on the web, so no fee is charged. It is my hope in doing this that in the midst of a plethora of amazing preachers and a crazy amount of sermons that are available to track down the best of the best, with your help and suggestions, so that I will be able to have a resource for the growth of our souls and hearts in scripture to the glory and praise of God.

Some will ask, well, who is this blog designed for? Preachers, church goers, non-believers... Well, yes, I hope all will be challenged at some point. Every sermon may not be appealing to every person, but as you do listen, and are challenged, I encourage you to pass it along to others.

The sermons will be labeled by category and so if you are looking for a certain topic or scripture or speaker, it will be readily accesible.

I am always open to new speakers, so I encourage you to email me links to great sermons. And if a sermon encourages you, please comment on them for others to see so they can know what sermons to listen to.

Most importantly, please know that I have no agenda, no point to prove and am not out to win you to anything. I just love the Word of God and love to learn. There may be weeks that I focsus on a theme... We'll see how this new endeavor plays out...

So, take the jump, come by often, well, every day, actually, because every day a sermon awaits...

God bless,
Steve Allen

P.S. That is actually me in that picture. I'm on the left. It doesn't look as far as it actually felt, and the exhilration that me and my buddy George felt after we did it was pretty intense...