Friday, July 4, 2008

Voddie Baucham - The Value of a Family

Voddie has had the most significant life changing impact on me in term of family than I think anyone else in terms of a speaker. He has literally changed our lives in some very practical, real ways. And I can't say enough about him if you want fresh, powerful, life-altering ways on raising kids and viewing the family. I have given you the link to his home page. You can purchase the websites off his link for only $1.99 which I believe will be an amazing investment or I am sure you can find them elsewhere on the web, but with not as good a recording. Plus, you need to pick up his book! Great Stuff!!!

Click Here for links!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

John Piper- Marriage Is Meant for Making Children...Disciples of Jesus, Part 2

I listened to this sermon quite awhile ago and it has stayed with me many days. I looked back at the sermon and I remembered most of it. That doesn't happen often to me, so I am confident that the sermon is profound and deep and penetrating, especially for the fathers who struggle with anger as I have in my life. I hope it encourages you as it did me.

Here is the link!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

C.J. Mahaney - Cross Centered Parenting

C.J. on parenting. Not much more I need to say. Humble, full of grace, and encouraging. You can't go wrong. Here is the link!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Gregg Harris - As for me and my house

If you are a parent like me (I was just interupted by my four year old telling me at 9:28pm, "I can't go to sleep") you understand the demand and the guilt and the joy and pressure and the prayers that go into being a mommy and a daddy. Well, this week is for you. And I am going to start it off with a great talk by Gregg Harris at Bethleham Baptist (John Piper's church). You might know the last name better with a Josh in front of it (think I kissed Dating goodbye) or an Alex and Brett (Do Hard Things), but Gregg is pretty good in his own right. Actually, he is really insightful and listening to him and reading the Do Hard Things book, you get to see how and where these kids come from. It is by grace and a lot of hard work that parents get to see the fruit that they have seen. So, listen in, and stay especially for the end as he builds a foundation and then shows the fruit at the end. Intentional, grace-filled and solid. Here is the link for his blog!
And here is the message...