Friday, July 20, 2007

C.J. Mahaney - Enjoying Grace and Avoiding Legalism

I am bringing back a favorite from a couple of weeks ago! In case you missed it, don't miss it again!!! Check out the link to reminisce on what I wrote last week!!! This sermon is too good to miss!

Shirts appropiate for these weeks...

Check out this sweet link on

These are the finalists or the best of the designs that were sent to us for our Monergism T-Shirt Design Contest. One of these fortunate artists will receive a $200 shopping spree in our store and have their design used on our next t-shirt Have a good look at these over the weekend. We will tell you who the winner is early next week Feel free to comment on the blog if you like any of them.

Here is my favorite! Comment on your favorite!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Charles Spurgeon - Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility

Charles Spurgeon speaking on grace via the written word. A great sermon. I included the last paragraph here, and gave you the link to read the whole thing! Enjoy!

Click on the title below:
Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility

Now, with regard to myself; you may some of you go away and say, that I was Antinomian in the first part of the sermon and Arminian at the end. I care not. I beg of you to search the Bible for yourselves. To the law and to the testimony; if I speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in me. I am willing to come to that test. Have nothing to do with me where I have nothing to do with Christ. Where I separate from the truth, cast my words away. But if what I say be God's teaching, I charge you, by him that sent me, give these things your thoughts, and turn unto the Lord with all your hearts.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

C.J. Mahaney - Sovereign Grace

C.J. leads a ministry called Sovereign Grace. He has a book called The Cross Centered Life. C.J.'s message is called Sovereign Grace. This week is Sola Gratia (only grace).

Enough said!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

John Piper - For God's Sake, Let Grace be Grace

Piper again, bringing it home. Hard not to have Piper on a week like this!!! The title says it all!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Michael Ross - Sola Gratia

The second part of the "sola" series. Michael Ross speaks on "Sola Gratia" from Ephesians 2:1-10. This again is a great place to start when looking at this idea of grace alone.