Saturday, June 30, 2007

C.J. Mahaney - The Pastoral Priorities

I decided to focus on pastors this last day of the week and I decided to include and article rather than a sermon. Some great thoughts by a great man...

Friday, June 29, 2007

C.J. Mahaney - Sovereign Grace

The message of his ministry... Sovereign Grace, in the humble deep end. Love it!

Click below for the link!

C. J. Mahaney
Sovereign Grace Download (11.7 MB)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

C.J. Mahaney - Pride

One of the things I have been challenged by the most listening to so many sermons for this blog is how to pray. Especially if I listen to a certain preacher more than once during the week, it is really interesting to listen to how they approach the preaching time. I think just listening to C.J. pray before he speaks is worth the price of admission. Regarding this sermon, I really, really love this sermon by C.J. I really mean it. He really does such a phenomenal job speaking about the perils of pride and how to purposefully live your life in humility before the Lord. As always, he speaks with great passion and creativity and honesty, a simplicity and authenticity that brings you into his heart. Beautiful, convicting, practical and inviting. Don't miss out on this amazing 1 hour and some change... He spoke this sermon at pastors conference but it is applicable to everyone!

Here is the link!

(The link is towards the bottom of the page under the following heading!)
Sovereign Grace Ministries Leadership Conference
C.J. Mahaney - Pride - Delivered at PDI Leadership Conference 2002

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

C.J. Mahaney - Interrogating the Legalist within

This is a great follow up to Monday's sermon, a follow-up in some senses, a personal and practical analysis in another and a reminder with some of the similar definitions and examples from the previous message as well. He adds some great new stories, he unpacks Galatians 3 in a great way, and really hammers home the evil and foolishness of legalism in a very eye opening way. If Enjoying Grace and Avoiding Legalism was helpful, this will be a great follow up. Listen to that one first before this one... Very helpful, encouraging and worth your time!!!

Click for the link!

Please note: The message is under Little Rock Baptist and the title is wrong: The Cross Center Life.

Monday, June 25, 2007

John Piper Books are CHEAP!!!

In case you haven't heard (it is possible:), Desiring God ministries is having a special sale on June 27 and 28 only. Every single book is only $5. Yes, you read that right. Every, single, book, (commas intended) is, only, $5, dollars...

Can I recommend a few?

Hunger for God - his book on fasting is one that I am working through right now. The best approach I have ever read on fasting, and it is so challenging and good.

Don't Waste your Life - the title alone changed my life, and the contents of the book and the DVD re-directed my life. We are heading to Zambia to work with pastors in September, and not that being a youth pastor in the states was wasting my life, but it opened my eyes to the world, to suffering and to being open to do anything and go anywhere.

Desiring God - A thick read, but insightful and his magnum opus, the must read to understand and know how he is most glorified in us when we are satisfied in him.

If you just bought these 3 books for only $15 bucks, you win... Period!

Here is the link!

Want more? Check out this blog for some more advice on building a Piper library!

C.J. Mahaney - Enjoying Grace and Avoiding Legalism

I first heard of C.J. Mahaney when I heard a sermon by Josh Harris called "Humble Orthodoxy." In this sermon, Josh shared how C.J. trained and mentored him and C.J. and the church, more or less, then gave the pastorate to him. My buddy was talking to me about this on how few pastors really mentor and train the younger generation of pastors and give them opportunity to grow and fail and succeed. This was a really cool example and so I was immediately impressed by him. And then I heard this sermon. Wow! I am tempted to put this sermon on every day this week. A must hear for new believers, old believers and everyone in between. Heartfelt, funny, compelling... I wish I had heard this sermon in college. So much pain I could have saved myself and judging others and pride and despair and depression...

Great message. Life changing message.

Click here for the link!
Scroll down to the the Enjoying Grace and Avoiding Legalism link!

More Bio on C.J.:
CJ Mahaney leads Sovereign Grace Ministries in its mission to establish and support local churches. After 27 years of pastoring Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland, C.J. handed the senior pastor role to Joshua Harris on September 18, 2004, allowing C.J. to devote his full attention to Sovereign Grace. He serves on the Council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and on the board of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.