Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jayson Turner - The Letters to the Churches

I just finished the first of the seven letters to the churches in Revelation.  I have also listened to last one.  For the church to Ephesus,  I was very encouraged. Jayson is first a pastor, then theologian, historian, comedian and then over all that that he is a father who loves his five girls.  The message is packed full, and you will laugh, be warmed with his honesty and personableness, shake your head in agreement, learn quite a few new things and be nicely challenged. Especially for those planting a church, you will love how Jayson interacts with his church. It is a great message and you will want to listen to it if you want to find your first love!  Click here to find the message. For the rest of the podcasts, check it out here!