Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jayson Turner - Five Stories for the City

From beach with turners

My good friend Jayson Turner is planting a church in downtown Bellevue in Washington, appropiately named, Downtown Church. It is a very unique cross-section of life that is a very wealthy, lonely and hurting place. He has taken a very unique and fresh approach to setting a vision for this church plant by taking five stories from Jesus and creating a vision from there. You will want to listen to all five below... Very insightful, challenging and inviting...

10/26/2008 The Vine John 15:1-11
11/2/2008 The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
11/9/2008 The Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21
11/16/2008 The Talents Matthew 25:14-30
11/23/2008 The Pearl Matthew 13:45-46
11/30/2008 A Vision for the Downtown Church Matthew 13:45-46

Here is the link.

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