Wednesday, April 25, 2007

John Piper - Don't Waste your Life

So, I was thinking about my selections this week, and as good as I thought John Piper's biography of David Brainerd was, I realized that I probably should have waited a bit before I put that on, especially for those who don't know John Piper. But, since, what is done is done, I wanted to bring back John Piper with a classic, amazing, stirring, convicting, and challenging sermon that he did at the Campus Crusade conference. The title Don't Waste your Life really says it all. I have watched it on DVD and I love it. It is classic John Piper preaching it up, down, and all around...

Here is the link for this sermon.


1 comment:

Terri in Bellingham said...


My oldest son is driving Kelly home from college in late May. They are both reading this book right now (as am I) so they can discuss it on the trip home.

Amazing stuff.
