Saturday, May 5, 2007

Mike Yankoski - Under the Overpass

As we finish up this week of sermons examining the Christian's responsibility to love and serve the poor, I am challenged and encouraged. I hope you are as well. I think a message by Mike Yankoski is a fitting way to end. The first two messages were exhorting and inspiring. The next four messages provided the biblical foundation for the necessity of working with the poor. And I believe the message today will complete and finish the week with an excellent challenge. If you don't know his story of spending an intentional 6 months as a homeless person, you will be inspired, convicted and enlightened in a very profound way. I led a inner city/homeless exposure mission trip to San Francisco with 17 high school students. Before they left, they all read this book. It was a very simple yet impactful read.

Here is the link. (scroll down to the very bottom of the page)

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