Monday, July 2, 2007

Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones - Prayer

This week we are going to hear from great men about prayer. I am starting it off with Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones. I have heard his name a lot over the years, but during one message in particular by Tim Keller, he referred to this man as "The Doctor." I really respect Tim Keller and so I have been on a hunt to try and find some Lloyd-Jones sermons. I found a great one! Wow. This message was amazing. I can't really describe it, but I can see why he had such an impact. Stirring, holy-spririt empowering, thought-provoking and wholly different. This is a great start and a must hear... (I hope you like the picture:) And you have to love who the foreward is from!)

Click below for the link!

Prayer (Part 3) Martyn Lloyd-Jones MP3

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