Sunday, August 15, 2010

Romans - For my 40th year

I am turning 40 on this upcoming January 6.  I was trying to think of something I could start and end during this 40th year that would be significant and yet doable and encouraging.  I feel led to go through each of John Piper’s sermons on the book of Romans, 244 sermons in a year. But I still have five months left before I turn 40, and I thought, why wait? So, I am going to give it a shot, starting now.… 244 sermons in approximately 500 days.  Each sermon, every few days, I’ll give a short snap shot of what I am learning with a quote from Dr. Piper from the sermon. The beauty of this is that he has it in both manuscript as well as audio, so I will be taking advantage of each.  Rather than give the link to each sermon each day, I will be just giving the link of the sidebar that will take you to every sermon on Romans.  I am looking forward to this new challenge/goal. And just as the the book of Romans is more about God than Paul (see Romans 1:1), this goal isn’t about me.  The whole sermon a day idea was merely an accountable tool to get me learning and growing in God’s word.


See ya on the other side and hopefully throughout it as well.



Steve Allen




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