Friday, November 12, 2010

#33 - Piper - Let God be true though every man a liar - Romans 3:1-8


In the next sermon, #34, he talks about how difficult Romans 3:1-8 is to follow and it is verses like these that people  spin and change and use for their own glory.  They do it now. They did it back then. 


So, here is the final paragraph of his sermon. I think it will help bring all the meant into one bite:


There is condemnation of Jews and Gentiles, and there is justice. And these two things do not contradict. This is where we began. Who are they whose condemnation is just? Those who play games with the Word of God. More specifically in this case: those who see two true things in the Word of God that they can’t reconcile and deny that this can be. For them it was, on the one hand, God is faithful and God is righteous and God is true to his glory, and, on the other hand, God judges his very own chosen people and condemns them along with the Gentile world. Two truths, for them irreconcilable. What advantage then would the Jew have? So they try to reject one of these truths. And the result is sophistry—tricky reasoning, word games. Today we might call it spinning. And to this Paul says, “Their condemnation is just.”

So my closing exhortation is: Don’t play games with the Bible. Be as careful as you can in handling the Word of God. And when you can’t reconcile one true thing with another. Wait and pray and study and seek the Lord. In due time, they will be reconciled.


This is so true... And the next sermon will explain why God allows hard texts.


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