Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Steve Allen - To Die is Gain

I wondered how long it would be before I slipped one of my own sermons in... Well, I wonder no longer as I wanted to share one that I did a little bit ago at my church in Bellingham, Washington. This sermon was actually the first of three in a series (over 3 months:) on Philippians 1:21-24. I just listened to it again and was challenged again to live what I preached. I am no where near the quality or quantity of those whose sermons make this page weekly, but we all start somewhere. Thanks for your support of this blog and may we all live more each day like Heaven is real.

Here is the link! Just scroll down to Sunday, February 25 - To Die is Gain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Steve, I'm speachless after listening to your sermon. I'm totally challenged to focus on what really matters. The letter from Doug about Uganda brought me to tears and the scene from Schindler's List was a piercing illustration.You asked some great questions, actually the only questions in life that matter. Now I need to seek Jesus for his answers for me.
I'm so glad you had the courage to preach this message. I know why God has called you to Zambia because he has gifted you with something that needs to be passed on. You are the seed of wheat that when it dies will produce a harvest, a harvest in Africa.
I want all those I love to hear this because it is a great wake-up call to really living! -KK in Oregon