Friday, June 1, 2007

Tim Keller - Lord of the Wine

I know I keep saying you need to listen to this, but, this sermon blew my mind. Keller unpacks the first miracle of Jesus, turning water into wine, and explains it so clearly and brilliantly. Brilliant is the word I kept muttering to myself as I listened to this sermon. I just wish everyone could hear this sermon, both Christians and non-Christians. Listen. Listen. Listen. Amazing.

Here is the link!


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve, We're hooked! I'm discouraged no one is commenting on these sermons! I just have to tell you how much Jason and I are enjoying them. We have listened to 10 Keller messages this week! We loved the ones you've picked as well as his messages at the link: "Radical Generosity" and "Grace & Money". This "Lord of the Wine" was excellent in expressing the heart of God, that he wants us to experience him, to taste him and have joy in the midst of our sorrow as we look forward to our eternal joy. He is a great teacher, bringing everything back to the work of Jesus. Check out his message "Preaching the Gospel" given at Mars Hill last year, it's fantastic, but you've probably already listened to them all! Thank you for the great picks and for keeping this up, it is really blessing us! We can't wait to see what's next!

Steve Allen said...

Thanks Kristi... I really appreciate the encouragement to keep on going... I would love some more feedback becuase I would love to glean from other as well... I did listen to the Preaching the Gospel... Eye-opening, how come i have never heard this stuff before preaching... Amazing!!! Thanks again for the encouragement!

Andrew said...

This sermon felt like it broke down a wall in my heart that was keeping me from Jesus.

"Yea I had an upbringing in the faith but now I want to have fun. You don't even know what you're rejecting. Jesus throws down the gauntlet to you! I am lord of the wine"

Andrew said...

Tim Keller is indeed the bomb.

This sermon is one of Keller's best and always makes me weep-- such a fresh way of looking at our problem with sin.